RELEASE: Changes afoot at Stan PR
7 January 2019
There are changes afoot at boutique Auckland marketing and public relations business Stan PR, founded in 2015 by Mary Haddock-Staniland and Miranda Likeman.
This week marks a significant milestone in the agency as well-known character Mary Haddock-Staniland stands down as Director. The popular Transgender Personality has spent some time re-evaluating her career options, and after Mary was appointed to the Senior role of Head of Membership Services for Diversity Works New Zealand back in September 2018, it was time to reassess the career priorities.
“Mary’s dedication to Stan PR while managing a large corporate career and MC commitments was too much to ask,” says Likeman, Creative Director of Stan PR. “As Mary’s friend of over 13 years, my number one concern was her well-being. When the opportunity presented itself to have Mary offer her resignation as a Director, I sadly said yes.”
Mary’s growing exposure at National Body for Diversity and Inclusion, Diversity Works New Zealand meant it was little surprise she wanted to concentrate on her primary career, which sees her travelling up and down the country working with a number of companies who are wanting assistance in promoting the importance of diversity and inclusion in their organisations. Who better to take the helm in this role than Mary, who has spent the past 12 years being an advocate in the Transgender environment.
As well as her love for MC’ing events, Mary will remain as an advisor to the boutique marketing and public relations agency in an informal capacity. “Her very large network of contacts and strong social media presence has always been of significant value to the company, and it’s great to still be able to tap into those when needed,” says Likeman. Haddock-Staniland confirmed she will continue to have Stan PR and Likeman take care of her publicity.
In a brief statement Haddock-Staniland says “It is with a heavy heart I have decided to step down from my role as Director of Stan PR. It’s been an absolutely amazing three-year ride, I wish the team all the very best for the future. I look forward to watching the business grow from behind the scenes.”
While the Diversity Champion is usually very prepared to talk publicly about matters like this, Mary has opted to keep tight lipped about this chapter; including the sale price and the monthly retainer she is receiving as an advisor.
-The end-